Outreach Programs
For Schools, Libraries, Scouts, and private groups
Offered by CCE Marine East End Educators
Begin your booking by filling out our Program Request Form. One of our educators will contact you to go over details and finalize the booking. Thank you for your interest in our Programs!
Pricing and Details
Programs are typically 45 - 60 minutes in duration (1 class period)
$250 base price for instructional programs (max 20 students/1 classroom)
$300 for programs requiring live animals or additional supplies (indicated below)
Larger groups, longer programs, and instruction requiring multiple educators are subject to additional fees. Please submit a booking inquiry for a price quote.
Age levels: Our CCE Marine Educators can adapt most programs to suit elementary, middle, and high school students. After receiving your program request, our educators will work with you to tailor the lesson to your academic needs.
Paid Program Offerings
Discovery Tank
Study the marine environment every day, with this classroom exhibit. Participants help a CCE educator to create a healthy marine habitat in a 10-gallon aquarium, then learn about local marine life as they add shellfish, crabs, snails, fish, and algae. Equipment and instructions are left for easy classroom maintenance, and lasting learning.
All ages $300 includes lesson, all supplies, and instructions for care
NGSS Connections: Structure & Function, Ecosystems
Traveling Touch Tank
Let us bring the bay to you! This hands-on presentation introduces participants to local marine life with our traveling touch tank – observe and hold live sea animals such as clams, scallops, shrimp, crabs, snails, fish, algae and more. Learn about their biology, anatomy, and importance in our local marine ecosystem. CCE staff will be responsible for containing any watery mess.
All ages $300
NGSS Connections: Structure & Function
Intro to Marine Meadows
Students learn about the biology and importance of eelgrass, a vital underwater habitat. We will discuss the causes of its population decrease and the ways that CCE is working to restore it. Students may take part in restoration work by making burlap “tortillas” (Spring, Summer) or weaving live eelgrass shoots into them (Fall only).
Recommended for Middle-High School $250
NGSS Connections: Energy and Ecosystems, Earth & Human Activity
Seahorse Biology & Conservation
Arguably the most interesting looking of our local fish species, the lined seahorse is a rare species to find on Long Island. Learn about their unique characteristics and why they are so rare. Then learn about our Seahorse Conservation Initiative and how we measure and study them in the wild. Will include live or preserved specimens for observation. Great follow-up to “Intro to Marine Meadows”.
Recommended for Middle-High School $250
NGSS Connections: Evolution, Structure & Function, Earth & Human Activity, Ecosystems
Marine Science Careers
Marine Science is an interdisciplinary field, merging biology, chemistry, geology, physics, engineering, art and design, etc. Chat with educators and scientists in the fields of marine and environmental sciences. Find out how scientists study and sample the ocean, discover volunteer and educational opportunities, ask questions, and get inspired about your future career path.
Recommended for High School, CCE Volunteer opportunities presented $250
ArtSea: Art & Science
Unique programs that merge creative expression with engaging hands-on marine science lessons. Learn about a marine topic, like seahorses, whales, oysters, or horseshoe crabs, then complete an art project inspired by the topic. Media may include painting, watercolor, drawing, sculpture, found-object-art and more. Depending on the subject matter and the chosen art piece, program may require 45 min - 2 hours. Staff need time before and after for prep/cleanup. Contact artist + educator, Carolyn Munaco, at cjm427@cornell.edu, with questions.
All ages STEAM $250 base price, varies depending on project
Grant-Funded Free Programs
Through some grant funded projects, we have the privilege of offering a limited number of educational outreach programs for free to schools and libraries that qualify by location. View programs and submit a program request to confirm whether your organization qualifies. These programs can also be booked for the standard fees listed below, for entities outside the grant funded region.
Blue Carbon
Mitigating Climate Change by Restoring Marine Habitats
“Blue Carbon” refers to the carbon dioxide captured and stored by oceans and coastal ecosystems, a process that helps to mitigate climate change. With support from the Long Island South Shore Estuary Reserve Program*, CCE Marine offers educational programs to engage students and the public in Blue Carbon habitat restoration, and bring awareness to climate change and local solutions.
Recommended for MS-HS, adaptable for Elementary. A variety of adaptable educational modules can be combined to tailor this curriculum to your classroom needs, view pdf for full listing.
NGSS Connections: Climate, Ecosystems and Energy, Earth and Human Actions, Photosynthesis, Plant Structure and Function, Systems
To schedule a program, contact Marine Educator, Ella Gatfield, at eg649@cornell.edu.
*Currently, a limited number of Blue Carbon sessions are offered FREE to schools and libraries within the South Shore Estuary Reserve. Paid programs may be booked starting at $250 per session, for entities outside the grant-funded region.
Macroalgae Lesson + Algae Pressing
Educating youth about water quality management through science + art
Through a grant funded by East Hampton Community Preservation Fund, CCE Marine Program is working to identify areas of high nutrient input in Hog Creek, and acting to improve water quality, in part by removing macroalgae. This grant enables our educators to engage with students in East Hampton Township* about remediation efforts within Hog Creek. Through a presentation on macroalgae, nutrient loading, and water quality management, followed by a hands-on algae pressing art-project, students will develop a greater awareness of the complex relationship between land and water, and how we can help heal our local ecosystems. Student work will be showcased at the end of the summer, 2024.
Recommended Middle School - High School, can be adapted for Elementary
To schedule a program, please contact our Marine Educator, Ella Gatfield, at eg649@cornell.edu.
*Currently, a limited number of Macroalgae programs are offered FREE to schools and libraries in the Town of East Hampton. Paid programs may be booked for $300 per session, for entities outside the grant-funded region.