Field Trips

Visit one of our waterfront facilities!

Begin your booking by filling out our Program Request Form below. We will contact you to finalize the booking. Thank you for your interest in our Programs!

South Fork (Hampton Bays)

Suffolk County Marine Environmental Learning Center (SCMELC)
3690 Cedar Beach Rd. Southold, NY 11971

Indoor classroom + Touch Tank + Bay and ocean beach access + Eelgrass restoration site + Outdoor Coastal Plant Garden

North Fork (Southold)

Suffolk County Marine Environmental Learning Center (SCMELC)
3690 Cedar Beach Rd. Southold, NY 11971

Large indoor classroom + Touch Tanks + Bay and creek access + State-of-the-art Shellfish Hatchery + Coastal Plant Greenhouse

Public restrooms available at both locations

Field Trip Program Offerings

2-hour, hands-on programs celebrating Long Island’s precious marine habitats and wildlife, starting at $18 per student!

Habitat Explorations

Explore the salt marsh or barrier beach in depth, with interactive field education, guided by experienced CCE Marine staff, scientists, and educators. Programs begin with a brief introduction in our education facility, include viewing of local marine life, followed by a hands-on exploration of marine habitat of choice below.

Adaptable for most age groups | Each program is 2 hours

Salt Marsh and Estuary Ecology

Hike through the salt marsh along the shores of our Shinnecock Bay or Peconic Bay facilities. Learn about the importance of this unique tidal habitat, responsible for improving water quality, buffering storms and providing habitat for estuarine species. Staff (and 1-2 students per class) will seine in the shallow water to collect and identify local fish, crabs, snails, and other marine life. Must be scheduled around a suitable tide.

Available May - October, in Southold or Hampton Bays

Barrier Beach and Dune Ecology

Learn about the barrier beach system that characterizes Long Island’s south shore. Tour our coastal plant garden and learn about the grasses responsible for building dunes that protect us from erosion and storms. Then explore the Atlantic Ocean beach right across the street from the facility. Collect and identify shells, egg casings, and other beach artifacts. Observe local shore birds and wildlife.

Available May - October, only at Tiana (Hampton Bays)

Back to the Bays Day

Learn about the many habitat and shellfish restoration efforts being conducted by CCE Marine’s Back to the Bays Initiative. Student groups rotate through stations, meeting CCE staff and scientists, and exploring multiple habitats and projects at our facility. Choose up to 4 stations, including: horseshoe crabs and salt marsh viewing, coastal plant garden, shellfish restoration and oyster reefs, touch tank time with live animals, eelgrass restoration and seahorses w/ dive gear demo, and Art/Science project!

2 hour program includes passing time between stations
3 stations (40 mins. each), 4 stations (30 mins. each)

Available May - October, in Southold or Hampton Bays

Field Trip Pricing

Field trip pricing is based on a 2 hour program and varies depending on the number of CCE educators required to accommodate the group size and number of stations. All groups over 25 students will be broken into smaller subgroups with one CCE educator each. No charge for instructors and official chaperones

Up to 50 students | $18 per student (Minimum total: $500) | up to 2 stations/subgroups

51-75 | $19 per student | up to 3 stations/subgroups

76-100 | $20 per student | up to 4 stations/subgroups

STEAM: Art + Science Programs

Unique programs adaptable for all grade levels, that merge creative expression with engaging hands-on marine science lessons.
Art + Science programs require 1.5-2 hours and may be arranged at our facility or in your classroom or library setting. Staff need 30 min before and after for prep/cleanup. Contact Carolyn Munaco for a custom price quote.

Sample Projects

  • Marine Currents, Tides, and Debris

    Students learn about the currents and tides that move through our waterways and what they bring with them, from beautiful tropical fish to harmful plastic debris. Discover simple changes that will help keep our waterways and ecosystems healthy and vibrant. Using this knowledge, students will get creative in making a marine debris awareness assemblage on canvas.

  • Outstanding Oysters

    Oysters are filter feeders, and help clean our bay water. They grow in masses forming oyster reefs that serve as a natural barrier to storm waves and provide important habitat for fish and many other sea creatures. Students will earn about the life of oysters, their environmental significance, CCE Marine’s SPAT program, and create their own multi-medium painting collage of an oyster reef.

  • Brush Strokes for the Bays

    Host a paint workshop. Students will create a marine themed work of art, guided by local artist, Carolyn Munaco. CCE educators will provide inspiring lessons on the subject matter, such as clams, whales, sharks, horseshoe crabs, fish, or habitats. Then you will receive step-by-step guidance as you create your work of art. Choose your species, or plan a session!